Do you? I don't seem to have those days all that often, but when I do they come with a vengence. Yesterday for me was one of those days. I shall not bore anyone who might read this with the details, suffice it to say that the day was a wash. But I did get to hear some interesting stories about a friend's travels over the last weekend. She always meets the most interesting people when she travels, someday I hope I can experience them with her. I also witnessed a person at the local Wal-Mart that could have very easily been famous on, and then saw a car on fire in the same parking lot when I was leaving. If it is any consolation, these were the high points of my day. Thank God that today is a new day and as Anne of Green Gables says, "with no mistakes in it."
As with everyone, I have crazy family members that do stupid things that usually don't directly affect all of us, but this one is reALLY BIG! It has the magnitude to render James and I, non-parents, parents to at least an 8 and 4 year old with the possibility of a 7 year old tacked on. Figure out how terrifying that is to us! Anyone who knows 'the family' knows that something like this doesn't just sit around and get chewed on. It's like the mafia..we all the sudden go from 'sweet and harmless' to these crazed people that 'if you touch a hair on that head...', well you get the picture. All I ask here is that you keep my family as a whole in prayer as we all are worried about these children and what is best for them, while trying to keep their parents behaved.
On a happy note, I had to get new "guts" to my cell phone and had to clear some pictures off of there and found four that I will post here.
The first is a set of magnets that my 'awesome' friend left me as a surprise one morning. They are indeed awesome! I have since posted them at random around my workspace, and even shared a couple back with her because they made a good description of her. :-) Then I have one of Abi...because she's so great. Abi is 'helping' James play rockband.
She was so tired one night and just wanted to be held, but he was busy playing so she compromised.
And of course you can't have an Abi picture without an Ellie one, I just wish Ellie would sit still for more than a second to get a good shot of her. Here she's just sitting next to James using him as a chair/pillow. And the last one is special! It's a great bumper sticker that I found at a Harley shop outside of Clarksville. I post it on here knowing that most people will not care, but I just have to smile every time I see it.

I'm also still in the process of trying to get everything squared away to be back in school next fall. I am supposed to be writing an essay and posting it on here that talks about what would I do if I found myself diagnosed with a terminal disease. Would I continue doing just as the doctors order no matter the results, or would I venture into uncharted waters and research and learn all I could about the disease and what other people who have had it did, and find doctors who would be willing to listen to me and actually care about me? I am actually excited to write about it, especially since I sat not too long ago and watched a woman that was like a mother to me fade away because of misinformation from her doctors. I remember how enraged I felt when I learned for certain that things could have and most likely would have been very different had her doctor actually done what he was supposed to. I still knew months prior to her death that she wouldn't ever be cured, and I have no way to explain how I knew that. But I learned a lot through that entire ordeal and will hopefully be able to apply it towards this essay. Be on the lookout for it coming soon.
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