
Let's do life, together.

Let me warn you at the beginning, this will be long. If you've only got two minutes, table it and come back when you can read it all the way through. 

I recently read a post someone shared about things from their childhood and it got me thinking.
I remember as a kid the constants in life and how badly I miss them. Everything from regular life events, school, family gatherings, meals, church activities and vacations. Even all the times hearing if I would bother to apply myself just a bit farther or harder I could be top of the game. All of these things shaped who I am today. I wouldn't trade anything for the memories and lessons. The people that were the constants in this life I lived made it what it is. They were there through all the fun times and the summer travels, multiple housing moves, birthdays and holidays. But they were also there during the hard times; the sicknesses, the relationship struggles, kid issues, health concerns and deaths. These people hung in and didn't disappear into their own universes when things got hard. They taught me how to love and be loved. That being said, what I would trade is nearly anything to have some of that in life now. What I want and need is people who are willing to take the risk and do life alongside me and mine.

Before those of you that have been, at various points, right here walking this life road with me get all wound up, sit down. Be patient and hear me out. I have loved you at various points on this path and still do. Circumstances and major life events have put a geographical distance between many of us. For the few that are still somewhat close by, crazy schedules means we rarely get face time. For each and every one of you whether close by or far away, know that I love you all deeply and am so thankful for technology that allows us to easily keep in contact (Though I won't lie, I'm still on the hunt for a pen pal if any of you is interested in keeping the USPS employed with me). I want to take the moment to tell each of you how grateful I am for all of the life we've been through. You guys have listened to me tell stories, cry, scream, and heaven knows vent. You've let me in on your secrets and see all your ugly parts, and you've stuck around during mine. I've gotten to hold your babies, play with your kids, mentor your middle and high schoolers and listen to your stories about them and theirs about you. We're never going to lose our bonds even when we don't get to spend quality face time together. If anything here you hear, know I thank you and love you for this. These words that follow are not so much for you, but feel free to read on.

This is more a lifeline for people who are nearby and willing to take a risk and be vulnerable. What I'm curious to find is if there are still new people around me who are willing to peel back the onion layers and do this thing called life alongside me and mine. Are you willing to share your dreams, your highs, lows, and stale times? Are you willing to share the heartaches and hurts; the secrets? Are there still chairs around your table to meet new people? Or maybe to just say to someone like me, "I've seen you around but never gotten to really know you." Or is your life too crowded and busy? Maybe you have enough close by friends still that this doesn't really resonate to you. My hope for you is that you treasure them and that reality if you still have it.

I'd be willing to bet though that there's more than just me out there feeling this way. If so, please know that I'd love to get to know you and yours and hear your story. I’d love to hold your babies if you want a break or be a mentor to your middle or high schooler. I'd love to get together once a week, month whatever and have dinner in one of our homes just because. Friendships don't have to be surrounded by an event or outing; let's get back to the simple things. Let's get to the real life stuff. Come on over for a movie night or spend a Saturday running errands together or watching football. I'm willing to get in the mud with you so we're all better and stronger on the other side. I'll even hand you a towel. 🙂
Any takers? 

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