
Can you be plagued with love?

I know, interesting title. Yes. But before I delve straight into what that's all about I must say that I have the privilege of leading some of the finest young ladies on the planet each Wednesday night. These girls are 7th-9th graders and have a lot going on in life and a lot to bring to life. For the sake of their anonymity I will name them much like the rest of the people in my life.
They are in no particular order: The Thinker, The Diverse, Ms. Inquisitive, I'm a Rock Star, The Artist, The Affective, and The Quiet Contributor.

Over the last few weeks our entire group has been undergoing a shift in culture. They have been called upon by one of their own to quit their current behaviors and really try and live as Christ. Most importantly to live as Christ to one another. There is a sense of openness that is easing it's way into the group and from the adult standpoint, it is a welcome shift. We've gone through some basic, getting to know you types of exercises realizing that some of these kids that have been around the group awhile automatically think they know things about one another just because they've known them for a few years. I suspect they are quickly learning new things that they've never thought about before concerning their 'friends.'

This week was the topic of compliments and how we give and receive them. We went around the table and each gave compliments to one another, but also discussed whether it is more difficult to give a compliment or to receive one. Their were mixed reviews concerning this. We contemplated further with our thoughts on if Jesus would like to be complimented and the ways that we probably already compliment Him without even thinking about it. Thoughts of our prayers, singing praises, reading our Bibles, giving honor and glory to God for events in our lives even if they didn't turn out the way we thought best, and living our lives as much like Christ's example as possible were all voiced. Everyone seemed to have a thought and idea and they were all equally valid.

After some more discussion on this and various other topics (as I said they are 12-14 and have a lot going on in life) we made it back somehow toward something resembling our discussion. The Thinker then posed a question to the table. She stated, "Can you be plagued with love?" This particular night I was joined by another adult at the table and if looks could speak a conversation we had one in nearly thirty seconds.

So her question, Can you be plagued with love?-how awesome to think this?! Especially from a 12 year old! This question has stuck to me like hair when it's in a roll it shouldn't be in. How amazing a thought to be plagued with love. The key of course is to be plagued with love for others and for Christ as opposed to love for self. This is common knowledge to you all, I know but still what a concept? My mind races with images of being plagued with love and I adore the irony of the phrase.

May I challenge each of you to consider allowing yourself to be plagued with love. Stand up and boldly declare that you are indeed diseased with the love of Christ and that it's one of the most contagious, incurable diseases of all time, if you venture outside yourself.

Think about it awhile...it will soak in.

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