

I need this and my gut tells me someone else does to, so here we go!   A list of things that I have learned are a great source of therapy:
1. Prayer
2. Sunshine
3. Picking up a conversation with a friend you haven't talked to in months as if you never missed a second
4. Getting surprise cards from people just saying hi
5. Having fresh flowers around you
6. Music
7. Re-reading a favorite book
8. Singing along to an old musical,e.g. Mary Poppins, My Fair Lady, etc.
9. Riding on the Harley on the open road and allowing the wind to carry you away
10. The smell of the salt in the air standing on an ocean shore
11. Journaling (or in some cases blogging)
12. Swinging on a playground
13. Going to the firing range
14. Friends to save you from yourself
15. A good soak in a hot bath
16. Pedicures
17. Massages
18. Smelling snow in pine trees
If you have other things that you find therapeutic, feel free to add to the list.

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