
The Space Between

Isn't the space between supposed to be just that? The between. It's meant to be the filler between two grander acts in life or so we've been lied to and told all of our lives. In reality, the space between is the grand act.
What am I getting at? Simple, we've got it all upside down. I am as guilty as the next person in this. Reasons vary from one to another, sure but we all experience and feel it. For me recently it's that twinge of 'this isn't where I fit' and the brutality of knowing that means the difficulty and frustration of once again finding the right fit looms. Add in the mix other people and you're quickly creating a cocktail that could easily take you out.
When you find yourself not really fitting into any one place well, it opens up this space. It tends to feel really lonely in the emptiness and very much like you've become an island in search of an archipelago to join. The need to fit into a community is astoundingly overwhelming and it causes us sometimes to float away on our island to learn more about ourselves and seek out the group we most similarly resemble, all in the name of not remaining an island.
Are you following here? The island is the space between. It is those times when you're searching that vast space to find a place to belong. Why not just stay in the archipelago you came from someone will ask. It is a completely acceptable, if expected question but no one really wants to hear the response. It makes them uncomfortable. The response is simply that in order to continue to grow and learn in this life, you have to sometimes leave your comfort zone and move to the place where you have more similarities again than differences. This doesn't mean you forget where you came from or all you've shared, in fact those things are a comfort while you're floating because you know you'll have them again one day. Until you do, you just have to learn in the space between. 

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