It's no secret that my favorite time of year is summer; bring on the heat and humidity with the stuffiness of the air and the instant burn of the heat of the sun to the skin. But I have to admit that I have a healthy respect for the spring. I love watching all the plants and trees bursting back to life and hearing all the birds sing, and I must confess that I love a good thunderstorm. To relate this to my life lately would be almost funny. As you already know anyway, this spring has indeed been filled with life popping up everywhere and it is beautiful, but life has also had it's share of storms this spring.
The reality of life has once again reared it's head and reminded me of why I must be ever mindful of it's briefness. I have gotten to spend a lot of this season with a dear friend and her family while her time on Earth was shortening. There is a part of me that will forever miss her smile and funny faces and the pal I could share big words with and the best hugs I have ever gotten. None of you should feel left out here, you all give good hugs, but there is nothing else this side of Heaven like a 'Sarah hug'. This may seem to be all depressed and that is not my intent. For me, death is a part of life that

is altruistic. We are all simply passersby to one another, no one is guaranteed of anything including the very life we feel so deserving of. This is probably why I take it all in stride. I have the privilege of knowing that time apart is only temporary as long as we both know Jesus and that before too long we will get to be together again with the added benefit of it being in the presence of Jesus!

All of that to say that yes, spring has it's storms that come in nature and in life, but more importantly spring brings forth new life that I am amazed at each year.

I hope and pray that I never lose sight of just how amazing it is to be able to watch and see God's handiwork in action every year.

And I have to remember that there is always someone watching over me who loves me and only wants what is best for me and that sometimes that involves things that hurt me. But pain is never the intent, to learn to love more deeply is always the goal.

With each new day we have a fresh start. "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion, ' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.' " Lamentations 3:22-24
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