This was a question given to us during our revival services this week. We have had R.T. Kendall and Dr. Dan Boone as our speakers and they have been phenomenal. It is this question that Dr. Boone raised to us that made me sit and smile while he was speaking. He used a passage from the book of Revelation as his text and that alone will raise more than a few eyebrows in the room. He talked about how many people, Christians included have an enormous misconception about Revelation and what is spoken of in it, and how we must come to a point of understanding where Jesus is in our lives in order to be more effective to those around us. (There is a lot more that he discussed that I will omit from here, but still found insightful) His main point was that the theme of Revelation is Jesus and it's that simple.
He made emphasis that in Revelation, John is not grammatically correct. Big whoop a lot of you say, but in this case it is enlightening. John most often refers to the name of Jesus as "the one who is, and was, and is to come." For John, Jesus is 'the one who is to come'. He referenced Abraham and Moses, the disciples and Saul/Paul, and showed how Jesus was the same for them as He was for John.
Dr. Boone used the illustration of teaching a child to walk and how we put the child against something sturdy while we walk a few grown-up steps away and then we crouch down and beckon the child to come to us. Jesus does the same thing for all of us. He pursues us by going before us in everything we do and He stands there and simply says, "Come." If we will trust Him enough to go, then everything will work out, and as R.T. Kendall pointed out in one of his messages; "Just remember that when all things work out for the good, it doesn't always mean they were right." For me it was confirmation to how I have felt for quite some time.
I thought this whole message to be uplifting. I'm a strange bird in that I know that God is in complete control of everything and I have no trouble trusting Him with my life and the details that concern it. Don't ask me how I am capable of doing this with someone whom I can't see face to face, but struggle greatly with the ones around me who have skin on. All I know for certain is that God has never left me alone, or abandoned and He has pursued me as a lion pursues it's prey. The same can not be said of people, they forget, or are selfish, or simply don't know how to. Suffice it to say, I have no trouble trusting God with everything. My difficulty tends to be more of a contentment and having peace that I am really behaving as Christ would have behaved.
We must remember that above all, Christ loves us and would do anything for us, but that we must still experience life on this fallen Earth and have the opportunity to make choices for ourselves that have the potential to cause us or those around us much pain and hardship; but that in that pain, Christ is right there with us crouched down and waiting for us to run to His arms where He will keep us and everything will work for the good to His glory.
I loved this message. I never thought of Jesus being in the next moment waiting for me to get there and saying 'come'. This message reminded me that He is always there. Thanks!