What would be the holiday season without a good blog post dedicated to each holiday? This year we did family Thanksgiving with my mom's family at her house. We were missing a lot of people, but still managed to get 19 people there. As is tradition, the men retreated to the closest television to watch any football game they could find, while all the women stirred around the kitchen trying to decide how best to arrange the food so there would be a line that flowed. And true to custom, all the arranging went out the window as soon as the line started. Everyone assembled in a line, and stayed that way as far as getting through the food line went, but there was much reaching across back and forth to fill each plate with what looked good.

I spent a good part of the weekend teaching my sister and a couple of my friends how to play Dutch Blitz. I think I've created some addicts, but I love it because secretly I'm one as well. My youngest sister and I went on a shopping frenzy with a friend of ours Friday morning. Bear in mind that I am not a shopper, and I do not have any desire to deal with crazy Black Friday people who will tackle you for the gift they want. But she had it all mapped out and we shopped at eight stores between midnight and 8 AM. By the time we were done, we were tired, slap happy, had sore feet, and had considered only harming five other people. We had waved good-bye to some people who were overly rude in one store while we managed to check-out before them when they were in line ahead of us to start with; conquered nearly all of our necessary Christmas shopping, and a little for ourselves, and decided that McDonald's needs a letter this week.
The weekend wrapped up with good services at church yesterday and time spent reflecting on the weekend and year as a whole. All in all it was a wonderful time spent with family and friends that selfishly I wish could last longer than it did.
How about you? What was your holiday weekend like?